The Eaton Primary School P&C Assocaitation is a group of volunteers working together to improve and grow the facilities and opportunities available at the school. We have a close relationship with the principal and staff at the school as well as the broader community.
Why join the P&C?
Stay informed on what is happening within the school
Learn new skills and share some laughs
Support fundraising events and investment in our school
Be part of the school's decision making process.
What we do.
Operate the school uniform shop
Operate the school canteen
Fundraising and community engagement events like the Eaton Foreshore Festival, outdoor movies, school stalls, crazy hair day, colour runs and more
Working bees
Finance improvement to infrastructure and equipment
We have fun and get involved.
We invite you to come along to a meeting. Next meeting is Wednesday 20 March 2024 at 5.30pm. (kids welcome)

The Eaton Foreshore Festival is a parent/volunteer run event that is our school's main fundraiser for the year. It is very successful in raising funds for projects around our school, which benefit your children. It is run by a committee of parents and volunteers who do an outstanding job. Planning for the Festival begins in June with meetings held monthly or as needed. The Festival then takes place on the second Sunday of March every year and attracts thousands of people throughout the area. There are numerous stalls and static displays, including food & drinks, books, hand made crafts, school fundraiser stalls, stage entertainment, side show ally and much much more!
If you are interested in helping out please email foreshore.festival@gmail.com